Cubs and Scouts from 1st Little Stoke take part in JOTI
JOTI – Jamboree on the Internet, is an opportunity for young people involved in scouting to get together through online media. Bristol JOTI took place at 229th Bristol scout HQ in Ashton Gate on Saturday 19th October.
We were all given a passport on arrival, which we carried throughout the session this ensured we visited all zones and if completed we would receive a badge.
Zones included: Technology, Wii, Internet, Food, Craft and Radio.
Technology ZONE – using ‘stop motion’ app on iPad Cubs and Scouts used different props to create their very own motion picture taking a series of photos then playing them in real time. much fun was had with lego cars and characters from ‘Despicable Me’ who got up to all sorts including crashing cars, jumping off boxes and wearing headphones.
Wii ZONE – All Cubs and Scouts seemed very familiar with the Wii console to the detriment of any Leader wishing to take part for fun (you understand).
Jack was crowned champion of ‘mario carts’ winning an average of 3 out 4 races. James, Luke and Jacob got into the swing of it, hitting home runs while playing baseball together.
Reece and Henry hit aces and looked like they could be a match for Andy Murray, well most definitely on the Wii.
Internet ZONE – iPads provided us all with access to online worldwide scouting chat rooms where Cubs and scouts could talk and text to Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and leaders from different countries we made contact with fellow members in: America, Spain, France, Norway, Germany, Belguim, Austrailia, Canada, uruguay, Cyprus.
Food ZONE – Cubs and Scouts enjoyed this zone very much as they got to create and eat their own pizza using toppings from around the world, they looked and smelt delicious. Looking at this lot I reckon they tasted good too.
Craft ZONE – tried our hand at origami, however most of us end up creating paper planes, most of which flew very well.
Radio ZONE -Bristol JOTI was broadcasting live throughout the weekend, this gave our young people the opportunity to request songs, talk to the presenters plus callers and in some cases sing along live on air ‘ what does the fox say…..’
Henry loved being on the Radio plus speaking to a cub from Austrialia, Reece found it was raining in Canada when he spoke to a scout from 1st Bolton plus enjoyed playing tennis on the Wii. Connor enjoyed Making and eating his pizza plus making a paper boat. Jack spent plenty of time on the Wii beating… well everyone. Luke enjoyed his pizza and maked a very cool paper plane, Jacob and James enjoyed playing on the Wii and trying to contact cubs from around the world. Joesph enjoyed the chat rooms where he spoke with a scout from Austrialia, James and Adam had great fun creating their very own minions movie plus were the first to dive into pizza. Kieron enjoyed movie making and chatting on the Radio to John May. Robyn enjoyed helping her Dad to work the iPad plus loved talking on the radio.
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