
Beaver Scouts are our youngest members aged between 5 3/4 and 8. Our Beaver colony currently meets on a Tuesday evening 5.45 pm – 6.45 pm (this will be changing from September 2021 to a Thursday 6pm – 7pm) and take part in a wide range of activities including games, crafts, singing, visits and plenty of outdoor activities.

They also have the opportunity to take part in the fun and excitement of indoor and outdoor camps and sleepovers. It may be the first time they spend a night away from home so it’s a real adventure for them.

Turquoise crew neck Beaver sweatshirt.
Group neckie, coloured woggle and joining badges will be awarded when your child is invested into the group.
Optional items – Blue Scout activity trousers and Turquoise polo shirt.

The Beaver Scout Promise (other versions are available for different religions and atheist)
I promise to do my best
To be kind and helpful
And to love God.

The Beaver Scout Motto
Be prepared

Badges and Awards

Beaver Awards
Beaver Activity Badges
Uniform and badge positions

Join us
If you are interested in joining our Beaver colony then please go to our join us page…….