
Scouts are aged between 10 1/2 and 14. Our Scout Troop meets on a Tuesday night 7pm until 9pm. The Scouts are split into small units of six to eight Scouts called a Patrol, usually led by a Patrol Leader. Outdoor activities feature prominently, with the highlight being camping. Throughout the year, Scouts learn various skills, such as map reading, camp cooking and first aid in preparation for camp.

Rock climbing, potholing, gliding and photography are just some of the things they get up to.

Teal Green long sleeved Scout shirt or blouse, navy blue Scout activity trousers with a leather Scout belt.
Group Neckie, woggle and joining badges will be awarded when your child is invested.
Optional items – Short-sleeved shirt and Activity shorts.

Scout promise
On my honour, I promise that I will do my best
To do my duty to God and to the Queen,
To help other people
And to keep the Scout Law

Scout law

  1. A Scout is to be trusted.
  2. A Scout is loyal.
  3. A Scout is friendly and considerate.
  4. A Scout belongs to the worldwide family of Scouts.
  5. A Scout has courage in all difficulties.
  6. A Scout makes good use of time and is careful of possessions and property.
  7. A Scout has self-respect and respect for others.

The Scout Law
Be Prepared

Badges and Awards
Scout awards
Scout badges
Uniform badge positions

Join us
If you are interested in joining our Scout Troop then please go to our join us page…..